Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So, this will be my first post on "The Rant," which is my uncensored blog. Not that the other one is censored, but this would should be. I will be using many words which will awe and surprise, but it is all in good fun, and in loving memory of George Carlin. With that said, I would just like to add Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits. These words have always helped me get through the day, and deal with the people who fail to use them. Now, what to rant about, what to rant about... Wow, I am actually in a good mood today.
The first fucking day I have time to start ranting, and the damn internet is working, I am in a good mood. All last month was covered in horseshit, but no, today everything is fine! I wasn't over-stressed at my shit-job where I make no money, (the serving one, not the pizza one) I don't even feel lonely for the first time in a month, and it's gorgeous outside. Fan-fucking tastic, I can't even muster up a creative way to expand upon my anger, there is no anger! How can one rant without anger? It doesn't feel like I'm pissing razor blades, my engine light didn't come on for the first time in I don't know how long, I might be able to transfer to a better pizza store, I went to the bank today and had money there! Skull fuck a small child and bring me their lunch money, I don't think i have anything to rant about today. Maybe it will trick me, and I will get shot in the face on my way home, and then gang-banged by a pack of wild squirrels during the beginning of my 7-month coma, and wake up pregnant; but until then my friends, I have no thing to rant about today. Good day to you


  1. Lol. Don't you just hate it when you FINALLY have time to write about the idea you had however long ago only to discover you aren't in the mood to write about it?
    Love the first "rant". Keep them coming :D

  2. MOAR!!! ......

    That was pretty hilarious. Maybe that should be the entire rant blog direction. Rants on days when there aren't really reasons to rant. There may not be to many days like that... but George Carlin would definitely approve. --"Have a nice Day" " What if i don't want to have a nice day.....maybe I want to have a crappy day" " you don't own me..." generalization from George Carlin
